
A Year of Thanks.

Last week one of my friends tagged me in an Insta Story.  She was admiring one of the new Thanksgiving bulletin boards in the hallway at preschool decorated with bubble wrap corn on the cobs.  Each little piece of artwork has a tag proudly proclaiming what each preschooler is thankful to God for.  One caught her eye as the child was thankful to God for pizza, while most of the rest were thankful for mom, dad, their friends, etc.

The pizza kid?
She's mine.

We must be doing something right as parents.

This year I have a lot to be thankful for.  The obvious being that I am a mama to three beautiful, incredible, unique baby girls.  They wear me out, and often drive me crazy but they know when mama needs a hug or an "I love you".  They are three pieces of my heart walking around in little bodies I created.  I created them, y'all.  How could you not be thankful for that?

Those babies wouldn't be possible without my husband.  I often joke he is my 4th (or 5th... if you count the dog) child, but my life would not be what it is without God blessing me with him.  It hasn't always been easy, and it is never promised to always be, but there is no one else I'd rather do life with.  I am thankful everyday I wake up with this person, my person.

I am also thankful for our dog.  We may not always see eye to eye on ways to not drive me completely off the ledge before lunchtime even arrives, but he provides a certain sense of security you don't get from an alarm system.    Not to mention he keeps my husband company on cold hunting trips and is gentle with our sweet babes.

I am a very fortunate person in that I am surrounded by a village of friends and family that keep me going day in and day out.  We are so blessed to have so many friends across the city, the state and the nation.  I am thankful for all of them.  Every last one.

Finally, the obvious ones... I am thankful for the roof over our head, the one that we own.  The safe and reliable cars we get to drive everyday.  My husbands job and career.  Our overall good health.  And that we get to look to 2019 with excitement for all that is to come.

What are you thankful for this year?

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  1. So much to be thankful for! I love this post. :)

  2. It really is so sweet that your little one is thankful for pizza. Our world seems like such a terrifying place sometimes. I am thankful when kids get to actually be kids, and not worry about things beyond their years. I pray that for all of them.

  3. My son did something similar, as he gave thanks for putting jackets on in the house (wait...what?!) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. It's so important to be thankful for each and everything in our lives because I know we are so blessed!
