
26 Weeks//28 Weeks//Baby #3

Admittedly we are a bit all over the place with bump updates for this baby.  But at least there is SOMETHING being recorded for her.  I just opened Brooke's baby book to update it... and it hasn't been updated since she was 4 months old.  She turns 2 in March.... oops.  So the fact that there is anything out here for this sweet girl, is a major accomplishment in my book.  Sorry sweet cheeks!

What Fruit are you // scallion // large eggplant
Due date // April 12th
How far along // 26 weeks // 28 weeks
Next appointment // Jan 18th.. 28 weeks. // today!
Gender // it's a girl!
Total weight gain/loss // wellll according to the home scale Rob accidentally broke a few days ago, I was actually dropping just a bit of weight.  With that being said I am hovering somewhere around 20 pounds gained, already.  Oye.  Side note, my doctors office has their scales set to kg.  Which is awesome because it keeps me from stressing over it. // dunno... didn't ask them to convert it to lb. ;)
Swelling // none recently.
Maternity clothes // if it isn't sweatpants, its maternity clothing. // only when I leave the house though.
Belly button // in
Sleep // acceptable... I can't complain too much except I would love more of it... all the time. // eh.  I have a bedhog husband and an almost 4 year old that still insists on squeezing herself into our bed... so it could certainly be better.
Food cravings // food in general. Nothing in particular. // Caesar salads and broccoli cheddar soup, along with chocolate.
Symptoms // pizza is officially spiking my sugar numbers again... which means I am for sure back in the gestational diabetes timeframe of this pregnancy.  Otherwise I feel large... so it's fun watching me stand up and move in general. // poor circulation... I almost always wake up with numb hands.  It probably has to do with the aforementioned sleep situation... but it's always loads of fun.
Movement // stronger everyday.  I notice her a lot when I lay on my right side and when I am able to sit still. // all the time.. she's head down and her feet are starting to get to the point where she kicks me, and if it hits just right... it hurts.
Labor signs // none.
What I miss // my energy and not having whacko emotions. // not going to lie... I kind of miss my body being my own.  Everyone has their New Years resolutions and I'm over here like... gonna get bigger, nothing I can do..
What I'm loving // being able to feel her move. // THE THIRD TRIMESTER!
What I'm looking forward to // seeing her at my next doctors appointment for a growth scan. // starting the work on her bedroom.  Hunting season ends next month and I have been assured the task of converting that bedroom from a little boys sports room, wallpaper and all, to a little girls room will begin.
Best moment this week // eh... it's been a so-so week with me being sick, Grace being sick, Brooke being sick and now Rob is finally sick.  We can't seem to kick it... but probably the high 50 degree weather we had for a few days before it went down the crapper again. // seeing the baby at a growth scan.  38th percentile and she's already a little over 2 pounds!

To read about Grace at 26 weeks, click here. At 28 weeks, click here.
To read about Brooklyn at 28 weeks, click here. 26 weeks was a miss with Brooke.

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