

(just to clarify... my hubs wore dress shoes to church and then changed to finish smoking the ham.  He's a business professional these days after all.)

Easter time last year was a bit chaotic as we were about to welcome Brooke the very next day.  It was on a Sunday and the day before was the day I fell belly first trying to pick Grace up from the road.  Grace and I spent the day cleaning the house and doing as little as possible while Rob spent most of the day driving to and from St. Louis to pick my sister up.  We didn't do an egg hunt at home for Grace.  We briefly saw the Easter bunny but didn't have our cute Easter outfit on.  There was no Easter feast.  For all intents and purposes it was just another day.

This year though?  It was our first holiday in our new home.  My parents and sister joined us for mass, a feast, an egg hunt and a small celebration for my Mom's recent birthday.  We ate, laughed, took pictures, watched a movie and overall just enjoyed the day together.

Every holiday is special when you have kids, but I will say Easter is always one of my favorites.  The holiday in and of itself is a special one.  After all, he is risen!  But all of the fun details that go with it make my mama heart swoon.  Special Easter dresses, sweet little baskets assembled with care.  Watching my husband scatter eggs and my babies marvel at the eggs actually holding something.  And don't even get me started on the food.  Rob smoked a ham this year, and Easter will never be the same.

Our fireplace hearth is still scattered with Easter baskets and little trinkets and goodies.  The day after Easter sales were hit up (only 50% off at Hobby Lobby... what say you HL?!).  The ham is still the meat of choice three meals later.

And my heart is still swooning at all things Easter.

I hope all you wonderful readers had a glorious Easter holiday as well.

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  1. What an awesome Easter you guys had! Even more special that family was involved and you were in your new home. :)

  2. I'm so glad you had a nice Easter! It sounds so relaxing!!

  3. I've noticed that a lot of stores are now doing their post-holiday sales in tiers. Give Hob Lob another two weeks, and my bet is stuff will be 70%+ off.
