Merry Christmas.

This weekend we celebrate.  A birthday unlike any.  A kings.  A saviors.  We will open presents, surround ourselves with friends and family and eat until the word "stuffed" no longer describes our current state.  We will initiate old and new traditions and take a bunch of pictures.  And for years to come we will look back at the memories from this weekend and things will stand out.

For me, this year, it will be that we are back in Kansas.  For good.  This Christmas our babies will wake up in their own beds for the first time Christmas morning.  We will only be traveling a couple of hours instead of entire days.  And I only have a few small packages to mail off for a change.

It feels so good y'all.  So dang good to be home for Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Once the holidays are over I hope to hop back on here and wrap up a few things from Clarksville and the last month of life.  Between illnesses, poor sleep schedules, holiday prep and spending time with family... there just hasn't been time (or motivation) to keep things going over here.  But 2017 is a fresh start and a new season, so who knows what it will bring for us.

Until then friends.. I am loving keeping up with you on Instagram - and would love for you to do the same (@amanda__gregory).

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  1. Such a sweet photo! Merry Christmas sweet friend!

  2. adorable santa photo! Enjoy your holiday celebrations!
