Things you will never find me doing.

I'm a pretty simple person.  I get by on Pepsi, Netflix and the knowledge that bedtime will come (two children extra needy from some teeth that just need to pop through already has me counting down the hours to bedtime...).  But there are a few things you will NEVER find me doing...

Owning a cat. I'm allergic.  So no.

Gardening. Black thumb... I keep fake flowers alive and that's good enough for me!

Running. Too much jiggling for my liking.  It kind of just hurts.

Coloring my hair. I am a natural redhead... people want my hair color (not to be bold or anything...) so why would I change it?

Eating mushrooms. Gross.  Just the thought of them makes my tummy curl.

Not standing for the National Anthem. I am a proud military wife and a very proud American.  Are there issues with this country?  Sure.  But I don't think disrespecting our flag and the very principles this country was built on is the way to see that change through.

Sticking to a vegetarian diet. My dad's family is full of farmers.  So I'd probably starve if I ever decided meat was not part of my diet.

Loving summer. Heat. Humidity. Sunburns.  Why do people like that?! Fall all of the way here!

Enjoying pregnancy. I know I will hear... but you should be so glad you were even able to get pregnant.  I AM people.  I am so fortunate and glad that I was able to get pregnant and carry both of my baby girls through to a healthy birth.  But being pregnant?  I hate that.  Not being able to bend.  Not being able to lift the laundry hamper.  Not being able to drink if absolutely necessary.  Being miserable and large and miserable.  I didn't enjoy it.  The only bright side was feeling my girls move and hearing their heartbeats.

Willingly waking up early. Not in any way, shape or form a morning person.  But I often stay up late at night because nighttime is my jam y'all.

And with that my hooligans are back at it.  Because heaven forbid mama sits for like half a second.  NOOOOO... someone has to steal a toy from someone else (the dog from the toddler, for the record... baby is still immobile.  Thank heavens!) and World War III breaks out.  Who thought getting a puppy was a good idea?  Oh right my sweet husband who is conveniently at work ALL DAY.

I digress.

Happy Tuesday friends! (It is Tuesday, right?!)

What would I NEVER find you doing?

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  1. I'm allergic to cats too. And waking up early just sucks...I will do it but man, it's crap.

  2. I'm a night owl too! I would much rather stay up late than get up early.

  3. I die a thousand deaths if I even think about mushrooms. THEY ARE SO GROSS.

  4. I also didn't enjoy pregnancy at all- it is actually amazing that i did it 4 times. Good thing those kids are cute ;)
