
Living Fearless.

June 2010 will always go down as an important month in getting me where I am today.  It was the month I left the Kansas City suburb I still call home for a bustling east coast town in Maryland.  It was the month I jumped head first into my new life as a wife to an American soldier.  It was the month my midwestern mindset was shattered into a million pieces as everything I knew was left in the rear view mirror.  It was the month I stumbled into life and started living fearlessly.

For years my life goals were simple and fairly in line with just about everyone else I grew up with.  Four years of school after high school, get a degree, start a career, get married, have kids and raise them near my family.

I graduated in 2008 from high school, started school at the local community college that fall, and by winter break I was dating Rob.  He was still in training and our love story started over quick visits home and a long distance relationship.  We got married in March of 2010 and lived apart until I walked the stage for my Associate's Degree two months later.

Finally we loaded down my Toyota Corolla with all of my worldly possessions and drove into my new life as a wife to my husband.  We'd only ever dated long distance and now all of a sudden I was leaving home, moving over 1,000 miles away and the only person I knew was my husband.  Can you hear that ideal list of life goals blowing up?

Back then I didn't see my decision as a giant adventure or a chance to live fearlessly.  Lets be honest... I was terrified.  Looking back at my 20 year old self, I am proud of that choice.  I grew up.  I faced life.  And I've learned so very much in the years since.

Being a part of the military world is an adventure in and of itself.  But nothing can truly prepare you for it.  Each day presents itself as a great list of unknowns.  We could get orders tomorrow to move to another country.  My husband could find out he is deploying for months on end to a war zone.  The travel distance between here and home could grow immensely.  My family may never get to experience certain milestones with my kids.  The hardest moments of my life will probably be mastered without my village.  I may know no one in my new city when I need someone the most.

But at the end of the day... you put all of that aside.  You live fearlessly.  Tomorrow will come.  Challenges may present themselves, but we will cross that road when we get there.  Together.  Because after all, I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for love.  Something I never could have experienced had I not been willing to live fearlessly.

How are you living fearlessly?

Share your story using the hashtag #LivingFearless and be entered to win a grand prize get away from Protection 1.  For more information click here.

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  1. I definitely have made some brave decisions in life. One of which was closing my business when we got married. Some days I miss it, others I am like...nope, sure don't!

  2. I love this!!!! Your story sounds so much like ours. Taking that leap is pretty amazing!

  3. Inspiring story. I hope living fearless works out fine for you. Love your blog by the way.

    Greetings from TCSFW
