
Everything else.

Brooke has been here 7 weeks now.  And in that time pretty much all I've talked about is my kids... and now the dog.  Basically nothing about what we've been up to in those 7 weeks.  So lets take it back to the week Brooke was born and dump some photos and stories out...

My parents came down the Wednesday after Brooke was born and stayed through Sunday.  Not only were we thankful Erin was here to help with Grace on Monday and Tuesday, but we also had help that first week and Grace LOVED it.  A lot of time was spent in the backyard running around with my sister and her dog, Riley.  We also went to dinner and the park where more time was spent playing.

Lots of time has been spent playing inside since family left.  And Grace has really morphed her little mama schtick into the real deal.  Which is both helpful and sometimes a bit worrisome.  We just love our sister a bit too much sometimes.

We attended a food truck rally in Clarksville one chilly morning.  The lines were long and the BBQ average at best, but it was fun to go and get food out of a truck and then eat in our truck instead of staying in on the weekend.

We went to the Rivers and Spires festival here in Clarksville.  Which was AH-MAZING.  We met up with Whit and her sweet boy (her blog) and spent the morning in the toddler area which had the cutest inflatables.  A bubble pit, Mr. Potatohead and slide playground inflatable.  She also got to ride the animal cart things that a local church owns and brought to the event.  Everything was free and I already can't wait until next year.

Rob's grandparents came in while Rob went to Texas for some Army training.  Thank GAWD for their extra hands.  I didn't cook once while they were here and the girls soaked up tons of extra loving and cuddles.

Then Daddy came home just in time for one last weekend with his grandparents and Mother's day... and yes he was sorely missed!!

We started on Grace's summer bucket list by going to the local strawberry farm.  Rob and his grandfather ended up doing all of the strawberry picking with a sleeping baby and a rambunctious toddler following behind.  We ended up with a bunch of strawberries that were almost immediately devoured.

Mother's Day was our last day with the grandparents as they were off for more retirement adventures.  Rob left early that morning to go get Diesel... and was home by lunchtime.  He brought home a flowery plant and a Pandora bracelet with a mom and daughter charm.  It was nice to spend the day with my girls and adjust to being a new family of five.  We were sad to see the grandparents go though as those extra hands and cuddles helped out immensely.

Since then my children let me sleep in an extra two and a half hours on Monday.. which was fan-freaking-tastic.  We've spent lots of time trying to get Diesel potty-trained and to stop mouthing on people and toddler toys.  And we have cooked out... a ton.  Thank the lord above for the beautiful weather as of late!

Whew, all caught up.  Sorry for the massive photo and event dump.

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  1. I can't believe she is 7 weeks old already, time is still flying!
