
Things I know.

It went from absolutely chaotic around here with family in town early thinking a certain little baby was going to make an early appearance to quiet as it became apparent she's on her own schedule.  We've spent the last week together, cuddling the afternoon away... enjoying our last moments of being just us three.

And if there is one thing I know... it has been needed.

In a matter of days we become a family of four.  With all this extra sitting around time...  I've been reflecting on some things I know right now at this point in time...

...Waiting on a baby is the worst thing ever when you are 150% over being pregnant with said baby.

...A house without a dog is painfully quiet.  But the pain gets easier as the days pass.  The memories will forever be a part of our story and there will never be another Piston... but we still hold firm to the notion that everything happens for a reason.  Thank you to all those who reached out to us and sent loving thoughts and prayers.  We greatly appreciate it.

...Rob and I make stubborn children.  I spent the last week walking and bouncing on yoga balls trying to get this little lady to make her appearance.. and nothing.  She is undoubtedly going to give us a run for her money JUST like her sister.

...The good part about family coming so early?  My house is clean, decorated and almost completely unpacked (Rob's garage is all that remains...)... so now we are just in the upkeep phase which is so so so much easier.

...I know what kind of mom I DON'T want to be... last week while trying to walk the baby out... we were at the park letting the kiddos get some energy out.  Then all of a sudden this mom passes quickly with her kid and my sister-in-law comes out of the playground with my kid and says that the ladies kid just pooped on the playground while the mom laughed at him for having his pants down.  I vow to NEVER be the mom that has a kid poop on the playground because I was too busy laughing.  And I promise to never ruin it for other children by not cleaning up said poop on the playground.

...The question "how are you feeling?" is particularly annoying when you are days away from your due date.  The intentions are all good and I am trying my very hardest to remember that... but sometimes it is hard.

...I'm starting to get nervous at the thought of labor again.  I don't really remember a lot from labor with Grace... but I know it was 25 hours before I met her.  It was almost 2 hours of pushing.  And then it was stitches and a particularly painful recovery for at least a week.

...This springtime weather is the bees knees.  Today it is rainy, but you know what?!  I'm totally okay with that because RAIN = SPRING.  I am sending love and special thoughts to my family and friends in Kansas currently experiencing snow... Kansas is a very confused soul.

...Trying to get caught up on blog reading.  It's hard... Grey's Anatomy is pretty dang addicting.

Happy almost 3-day weekend friends!

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  1. Enjoy being pregnant really! I'd do anything to be able to have a child. Xxoo

  2. Great post! Ugh I can't stand moms like that! Who doesn't pick up fecal matter from their own child?!?!?! I had to switch play ground because of stupidity like that with one parent. I totally get being over being pregnant. They aren't easy even in the best of circumstance. it doesn't make you any less appreciative/grateful/blessed for the little one you are carrying. Prayers for an easy delivery and recovery.
