24 weeks//Baby B

What Fruit are you // an ear of corn
Due date // March 28th
How far along // 24 weeks
Next appointment // next week sometime...
Gender // it's a girl!
Total weight gain/loss // don't know... I am definitely not weighing myself unless I have to.  It is the holidays... duh.
Swelling // none.
Maternity clothes // bought two more long sleeve maternity shirts... they are what I prefer to wear when I go out in public... aka when I am not wearing sweats.  Aka the REAL maternity clothing...
Belly button // in
Sleep // better... still hip pain but not killer.  I also feel like I have been sleeping much harder then I was before.
Food cravings // sweets.  Especially chocolate chip cookies.
Symptoms // just crazy messed up hormones.  I always feel on the verge of breaking down.  Tears come easier and I have very little patience.  Which is hard when you are a stay at home mama to a toddler that is testing you on just about everything.  I have also had some troubles breathing.  Get out of breath crazy easy and I am constantly sounding like an out of shape old lady.
Movement // I feel her pretty much every time I sit down.  Rob got to feel her a couple of nights ago.  Which is six weeks faster in this pregnancy then he did with Grace.  I can also see her from the outside when she really gets to going.
Labor signs // none.
What I miss // my energy.  I have so many good intentions each and everyday to get so much done, and I never do because the energy is just not there.
What I'm loving // watching the baby move.  It is just as surreal the second time around.  I really don't think anything compares to it.
What I'm looking forward to // all of our Christmas presents being wrapped and loading the truck up to head home for the holidays!!
Best moment this week // getting all of our Christmas shopping done.  Andddd seeing little miss kick from the outside.  Definitely makes you thankful for this little blessing.

To read about Grace at 24 weeks, click here.

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  1. I can't believe you are already 24 weeks, it feels like time is flying by. That adorable little girl will be here before you know it. :)

  2. Awesome! I'm looking forward to the holidays too.
