
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

For Grace's first birthday party we had a little gathering at our house.  It was a twinkle, twinkle, little star theme.. and while Grace doesn't have many friends her age (here local at least!).. we invited some of the people that have been around her since she was a wee little one.  More or less, it was a party for me.  I enjoyed it.. while bittersweet, celebrating my baby with a party is something that will never get old.

Invitation.. that didn't actually get mailed out.  Just some glitter chevron scrapbook paper, cardstock and double sided tape.  I uses KG Miss Kindergarten and KG All the Stars fonts.

I decorated the house with black and gold.  I found hanging gold star twists and a gold star centerpiece at our local dollar party store.  I used black streamers around the table (which I somehow got no pictures of..).  I brought out her photo books, that I'm 6 months behind on.  We had guests sign a Dr. Seuss Happy Birthday book with a sharpie.  I made the banner that hung above our TV using the same fonts from above, scrapbook paper and twine.  On the back door I hung her birth to 11 month pictures, with the help of a certain one year old..

Grace's outfit - black onesie with a gold one added by a friend.
Black and gold polk-a-dot skirt found on clearance at Walmart.
Headband found on Etsy

Grace's highchair was decorated with a pillowcase covering the normal print, and a ribbon and scrapbook paper skirt that was taped on using double sided tape.  We had two helium star balloons hanging from the back.  I made Grace's bib using a plain white bib from Hobby Lobby and an iron on G along with two iron on gold stars.

I made Grace's cake that she shared with her daddy using a box strawberry mix and cream cheese icing in a star cake pan (found on Amazon).  Topped it with some gold food coloring spray.

We Skyped in family as all military families do.. and enjoyed some presents with our sweet birthday girl.

I'm a fan y'all.  Parties, birthday parties.. it doesn't matter I'm obsessed.

pictures c/o A.Looper Photography

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  1. So cute!! Happy 1st Birthday!! I had another friend do a twinkle twinkle little star themed first birthday just about a month ago! haha! so so sweet!

  2. Absolutely Perfect. I love the star theme!!
    Can't believe she's one!

  3. What a wonderful 1st birthday she had! :)

  4. What a cute birthday party! Hard to believe she's already one!

  5. Can't believe she is 1! I love that cake smash photo and all the decorations.

  6. It turned out so cute! And it looks like Grace is a fan of birthday cake! Yay!

  7. Holy cow! How is she one already?!?!?1 She is so stinking cute!!!!
