
Reading my mind.

Things on my mind...
Right now.

I am OBSESSED with Scandal.  SO super late to the party... but we started watching it on Netflix and it has consumed me (seriously though, is there something wrong with me?!).  Notice I said we.. which was my first mistake because now I have to watch it only with Rob.. and thus I get stuck waiting for him to get off.. all day, eeeeeeevery day.

The wedge booties I wore to the spouse club luncheon yesterday?  Both a good and bad idea.  Good because they made the outfit.  Bad because my feet hate me for the 5 hours of wedge action.

The tea party was a major hit.  Dawn did such an awesome job with the decorations and such.  I am basically just glad my name was mentioned in connection with hers... we threw the baby shower together, but Dawn did almost all of the leg work.  It was super fun though!  We did the what is in the diaper game (so very wrong..), the don't say the word baby game, a diaper raffle (bring a pack of diapers - entered in drawing!) and guess the size of mama's belly.  I so can't wait to meet baby Lilianna and I am very glad that I got a chance to help do this for Rachel.  We met at Ft. Meade and I owe a lot of what I know about the military spouse life to Rachel.. as I learned tons from her.

I am loving the GORGEOUS refinished toy box I scooped up for a steal yesterday.  Kind of at a loss though in regards to where to put it.  It could go in Grace's room.  It could go in the living room.  It could go in the entry way.  Or we could just move and then I don't have to think so hard about it...

Currently I am watching Property Brothers while typing this and they just mentioned to a client that they could get a washer and dryer that cleans the clothing in 15 minutes and dries the clothing in 15 minutes.  Where can I get some?!

If you haven't caught on.. we are waiting on orders to find out where we will finish out this year.  Hoping to know no later than May... so enter the oh-so-dreaded waiting game.  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.. so it makes this process that much worse.  We have been here 3 years in August and while I love it, we have met some amazing people (Hi Abby!)... I'm ready.

Valentine's Day is this weekend (just in case you hadn't already heard...).. and we have no plans.  Well Rob and I have no plans.  He has to pull a 12 hour courtesy patrol shift.  Grace and I are going to a Dr. Seuss themed one mile stroller walk in the morning - and we will probably spend the rest of the day just like the rest of the week... waiting for daddy.

Happy Valentine's Day friends.. HOPEFULLY you are spending it with your special valentine (s)!

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  1. Love that toy box. What a pretty shower! I hope you get orders soon.

  2. I love that toy box! :) Can't wait to hear where you are going...*hint hint* come here! ;)

  3. What a beautiful shower! I'm so happy to know you now :) Hope to see you again soon!
