
I threw an Army themed baby shower.

Back in December Rob and I hosted a baby shower for our best friends here in Georgia.  As if my life doesn't consist of enough Army related stuff... the baby shower was Army themed.  BUT after seeing what Pinterest suggested.. I was able to pull it off.

And I am really proud of the outcome.

Invitations ** I made these with ACU colored scrapbook paper and cream colored cardstock.  Downloaded a fun Army font, a little cutting, a little folding, a little tying.. and wallah.

Welcome table ** We of course had to play the "baby" game.  But with an Army twist, dog tags instead of safety pins (dog tags were found at Hobby Lobby).

I took a black poster board and some chalk markers to make a special board for everyone to guess what day the baby would actually arrive, what time, how big and how long.  The corners were just taped with some ACU duct tape (found at Hobby Lobby).

Then I set out some of Rob's gear.

Food ** I made cupcakes.. and instead of going all out for camo colored goodness.. I just plopped a toy soldier on the top of each.  Add to that some gold paper straws and some other munchies, and the food was better than an MRE, I'm sure...

Games ** besides the "baby" guess game.. we also played a game I found on Pinterest where you write down an opened ended baby question (a baby goes through lots of these every day...) on a note card.  Then you pass your card to the person next to you... on the back of the note card write down the answer to your question.  Then we went through and read all of them and some of them were rather hilarious.  Rob got the honors of reading all of those, he was just so excited...

Obviously I can't speak for Nick and Abby.. but personally, I had fun!  It was a small little gathering.. but perfect timing early in the month.  We are so lucky to have these two as friends.. and we have tons of great memories with them.  When I think of the possibility of leaving Fort Gordon sometime in the not so distant future, I get sad.  Sad to leave these two and the friendship we have with them.  So it was awesome to get the opportunity to throw a little party for them!

Especially since on Christmas day (nobody guessed that day!) little man made his arrival.. I can't get enough y'all.
Sweet baby cuddles, this last weekend.

Have you thrown any fun Army themed parties?
What about a fun themed baby shower?

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  1. You did so great! It looks like a wonderful shower. :)

  2. You did awesome, such a cute theme.

  3. So cute, Amanda! Love the Army men on the cupcakes :)

  4. Everything looked so cute! Congrats to your friends! :)

  5. Nice one! My sister’s baby shower was of the same theme. Her sister-in-law planned it all and it was in a nearby venue NYC. I baked the cake and cupcakes for the day and everybody loved it. It was nice coming across this post. Congratulations to the mom-to-be.
