Veterans Day pride.

Happy Veterans Day!!

To those who are serving or have served, I thank you.  Today and everyday.  Absolutely one of my favorite holidays.  Our veterans need thanks not just today, but always.  Because without them, we would have a whole lot less freedom.

More veterans day thoughts here...


Obviously today especially we were missing our very own veteran.

We got our first phone call from him on Sunday.  After a week and a half of no contact.  Hands down the hardest part about this school is the overall lack of contact.  It is literally like basic training all over again, for him and us.  BUT we heard from him! And it was the perfect wrap up to the weekend.

Today we got another phone call with him.  A chance to wish him a happy veterans day.  And I could not be more thankful.

We are making it.  I am so glad this is just a short separation.. but no matter the number of days, it is still a separation.  Our first since having a kiddo.  It isn't easy.  But we are crossing the days off and marching forward.

Rob is doing good.  But we are forever thankful for all the well wishes and positive thoughts sent his way.


This morning we got up and out of the house to head downtown for the parade.  I was pleasantly surprised by the Augusta Veterans Day parade.  While I will admit I did not know what to expect, they had a pretty good turnout.
Special thanks to Joe, Heather and kids for going with us!

After we went with our friends to Olive Garden.  Us and the rest of the Augusta military community.

Sometimes you forget you live in a military town until days like today.  And I. LOVE. IT.

Lots of pride up in this house.
Hope you thanked a vet today! ;)

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  1. Glad to hear you guys are doing well with him being gone!! Also, glad to hear your Veteran's Day was so great. :)

  2. That's awesome that there is a Veteran's Day parade!

  3. Isn't being able to facetime the best?! I'm so glad you are doing well in his absence.

  4. I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday!

  5. That's great that you got to hear from him on Veteran's Day! Glad y'all had a nice day even though y'all are separated.
