
A Few Of My Favorites [1]

Finally it is Tuesday May 7th.

I am excited to debut an awesome new link-up... A Few Of My Favorites... with Janna from Faith, Hope and Love!!  Join us for this once a month party, on the first Tuesday of every month, where we will discuss a few of your favorites.  Every month the topic will be different and hand picked by each month's co-host!

This month our topic is favorite childhood books!  Perfect timing since my second to last 8 week session in school started yesterday.

somewhere over the camo

So rules?
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Janna  from Faith, Love and Hope // Blog // Facebook // Twitter
Amanda from Somewhere Over the Camo // Blog // Facebook // Twitter
Co-host Bekah from Re-Solve // Blog // Facebook // Twitter

This topic is EASY for me.  Growing up my absolute favorite books were written by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  That's right.  I was a Little House on the Prairie princess.  As in.. we own the whole collection.  We visited at least one of her homes.  I did school papers on her when I briefly majored in elementary education.
When my sister and I were younger, my father started a night time tradition.  Every night he would read us a chapter or two.  Even after that tradition slowly faded with age, my sister and I picked the habit up on our own.  Sneaking around at night with flashlights and hiding under the covers.  To this day I'm still a book worm when I have time to get into a book.  I owe that all to my dad.

And Laura Ingalls Wilder.

So tell me, what's your favorite childhood book?

All posts not related to the topic will be removed from the link party.
Link-up open all month.

Next link-up: Tuesday June 4th.

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  1. I also loved these books. I have tons of memories of sitting with my mother and her reading them to me when I was a little girl.

  2. I love those books, they are amazing! :)

  3. I read those books when I was younger too! I need to pull them out of my mom's storage when I'm home and reread them!

  4. Little House on the Prairie books were a staple in my house, lol. I read all of the books and would become engrossed in them for days!

  5. Such good books :) I love the Nancy Drew books growing up!

  6. I loved those books too. I believe those were the ones that got me started with loving reading.

  7. I Looooved those books! They were so good. There is something so neat about that era. My art teacher in elementary school was her daughter or cousin or something like that.

  8. My sister and I had those books too. I still watch it on TV from time to time. Surprisingly, every now and then, I'll catch an episode that I've never seen before.

  9. I remember reading a lot of The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins!

  10. i just nominated you for The Liebster Award. CHeck out my page and follow me =0)
