

"America will never run... 
And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders."
-George W. Bush

Tonight I am feeling peace.  Perhaps for the first time this week.  

Between the CNN Breaking News stories and the resulting anxiety ridden nation... I am reminded that I am living the American dream.  I have completed another week's worth of coursework towards my higher education.  I live in a middle class neighborhood with my husband and two dogs.  I have food on my table and possessions in my house.  I have family and friends supporting me both near and far.  I have the luxury of complaining about trivial things.

At the end of the day I lay my head on my pillow.. surrounded by my boys.. and I go to sleep as a free American citizen.

This week this nation was tested.  A terrorist attack in Boston.  A fertilizer plant explosion in Texas.  An avalanche in Colorado.  But here we are... still brave.  Still strong.

Unfortunately it always seems to take a breaking CNN news report to bring this nation together.  We are usually divided... Republican, Democrat, Independents.  We fight, we point fingers, we belittle.

But if you cross us... we don't run.  We stand together.  Whether you are a terrorist or Mother Nature... you can't defeat our pride.

The pride of the police officers, fire fighters, FBI, military and so many other first responders.  The ones that make me proud to say... I am an American.

And I am married to someone who makes me proud.  Who only adds to my patriotism.  Someone who loves this country just as much as me.

This week I was reminded again of just how much I love my husband... 

...effective May 1, my SSG husband.

Congratulations, again, baby!!  You make me so proud, each and every day.  Proud to be your wife.  Proud to love you.  Proud to even know you.

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  1. Oh yay! Congrats to him on his promotion!

  2. Congrats to YOU and your husband! It's a wonderful accomplishment for both of you.

  3. Awww Congrats to Rob!!!! That's awesome news!!!!!

  4. Beautiful post dear friend! Congrats to both of you!!

  5. That is very exciting news! Congratulations to you both!

  6. Beautifully written. Congrats to your husband! So happy for you both! :)
