
You betcha it's okay.

Because I have a lot of thoughts that aren't really cohesive.. it's all going to be here.  In this post.  And hey... that's okay...

Hey, it's okay:

...that the sequester talk makes me really irritated.  When the rest of America can't do their job they get fired.  Why can't the government do theirs?  Republicans/Democrats/Middle of the liners... come on folks.  There is no reason why defense should be getting such huge cuts [let's set our Armed Forces up to be both unprepared and understaffed], why education should be experiencing money cuts and why countless other viable programs are losing out because of this issue.  Get. It. Together.

...that I'm excited for the month of March!  Not only do the days get longer with daylight savings time, but my sister is coming to see me, as well as one of my best friends!  Rob and I get to celebrate our third year of wedded bliss anniversary... and the month is packed with fun outings.

...that after 6 plus months of living in Georgia.. I finally have friends!  !!! !!!! !!!!!!! Yes, those extra exclamation points are needed folks.  This is the greatest news, ever.

...that my husband is ridiculously smart.  He's smart AND good looking.. I'm lucky! [how smart you ask?  He's working on his CCIE cert.. google it... he already has his CCNA and CCNP] [that was me bragging about my husband, fyi.]

...that the dogs keep getting fleas.  Actually, no it is not.  But it is okay because it is treatable and fixable.  I'm not sure if it is a Georgia thing or what... but since February they've had them several times.  Next step is treating our entire backyard.  Both dogs have been treated.. so now we kill the source.

...that I sing to my dogs while giving them flea baths.  Something along the lines of..."We are going to kill all those **beeping** little fleas".  It gives me great joy.  Hubs doesn't like it when I am singing at the top of my lungs at 6 in the morning about killing fleas though... [yes, giving my dogs baths at 6 AM is the perfect way to start our day... not. On the plus side they stand still and aren't butts.]

...that every time I look at pictures from Summer 2008 to Summer 2009 I want to go work out.  I miss that freshman year of college.  It was rather fun, yall.

...that I feel like I cleaned all weekend.. but only one room shows it.  Tomorrow.. tomorrow.. there is always tomorrow.

...that my new laptop has a weird touch pad.  Finally got my iPad replacement..a Google Chromebook and it has a weird touch pad deal.  Like legit weird.  I can't even explain how weird!

...that my third class I was so worried about in my last post is a complete and utter joke.  Writing resumes joke.  Easy peasy pumpkin cheesy.

...that some people I went to high school with are down right whack.  It's cool you did some soul searching and all.. but I'm not sure you are in fact the same person you were back then.  Just too strange.

Happy week my friends!  It is a fairly busy one here...


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  1. Yea to friends and for your extra class being easy! That's awesome news!!!! I love posts like this bc too often people can get stressed out over stuff like this and you just have to say "ok, we can deal with this" :) Glad things are going so good for you!

  2. Yay for your anniversary month!! :)

  3. Yay to friends!! That's so great. I hope you have a wonderful month! :)

  4. Right there with you (and everyone) in frustration over the government (and of course, they have no incentive to do their jobs, as they get paid either way...unlike the rest of us).

    Have you tried Advantage for the dogs? Flea dips and flea baths only last a short while and don't kill the eggs. We've had good success with Advantage (better than flea dips, flea collars, bombing the house, etc), even though it is pricey. Good luck!
