
That's an MLKJr weekend wrap.

Monday. End of a four-day weekend.

A weekend that went oh so fast.

Why? Because we did stuff.  As in. We were two 22 year old's out past 8 on more than one day this weekend.  This is GREAT news!  Dare I say excellent?

On Friday we went to Hooters for some beers and wings.  (Yes folks, that is the kind of people we are!)  After we met Rob's fishing buddy, his wife and wife's friend at the pool hall across the parking lot.  We played pool until almost one in the morning.  Rob got skills in Kuwait (apparently, that is one of the few things to do to fill the time..) and so once he polished up on them, he was dominating.  Me?  Not so much.  But it was fun AND I got to meet the first co-worker's wife since we got here last summer.

Then on Saturday... there was a BBQ with more co-workers.  Recently Rob transferred buildings, and now he works in the same room with all of the people close to his age/rank/etc.  So they decided early in the week they wanted to do a BBQ.  A bunch of men planned it, so it was kind of a mess.  Read: we were chickens with our heads cut off the hour before it started.  But once we got there it was great!  We brought Rob's Christmas gift to use for the first time, a fire-pit, and had a fire going the whole time (it's chilly in Georgia again).  Plus some good eating and drinks.  It was definitely a perfect Georgia winter evening!
So what else did we do this weekend?

There was fishing, not once, but twice (Rob).
Weeds, season 1 through the beginning of 3 (Me, although I've already seen it.. decided on a whim to restart it early in the week.. and I'm stuck again!).
Football (Go Ravens!).
A mass grocery shopping trip.
Some DVR cleaning off.
Homework.  Dang you school.
Made plans for a trip back to Kansas next month (Can't freaking wait....!!!!!!).

And tonight I started Plank a Day.  You may have read about it over at The Young Retiree.  It is just as the title states... a plank, a day.  Which hello are wayyyyyy harder than I thought!  Maybe this week I will even start on my Couch to 5K resolution.  Baby steps you all.

Happy MLKJr Day!!!

What are you all up to this week?!

P.S. Master bedroom coming atcha later this week!


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  1. Sounds like a great weekend. We had a BBQ with friends too and it was so nice. :)

  2. i love that MLK quote! cute pic of you and your hubby :) and now, I really want chicken wings!

  3. We are Hooters people too! I think they have tasty food there.

  4. Bbq's are awesome! Glad you had a good weekend! :)

  5. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! It's nice to not do anything some weekend, then when you finally get out, it feels amazing! Glad you were able to meet some co-workers wives :)

  6. We soooo need to be stationed together! You guys would be so much fun to hangout with! And, the guys here are all single so they want to go clubbing every single night so we are left with nobody to hang out with boo. So, you and ELizabeth inspired me to try planking. Umm omg! So much harder than it looks. And, if we were stationed together we could do c25k together! I've started it a couple times and I really like it, but I'm so bad at keeping up with things that I do alone. Totally need a workout buddy.

  7. Oh and PS we totally think the same because I definitely got Daniel a firepit for Christmas too. lol

  8. Firepits and bbq's sound so fun! Sarah and I did some planking the other night together because we keep seeing y'all posting it on IG. And holy abs Batman, I am quite out of shape. I'm on week 6 in c25k, but I did a run today and felt like death, so I'm hoping I can get my butt in gear before the 5k I signed up for (in less than one month omg omg omg).
