
Another year has gone...

"For some today is the end of the year...
And hopefully the start of a new beginning.
For those more fortunate,
It's just another perfect day."

Although I am not really entirely sure where this last year went exactly... I can look back over the last 12 months and see the events that made this the year it was.  The ups and the downs.  The highs and the lows.  But I'm alive.  I'm free and I am healthy.  I really can't ask for much more.

But a quick recap:
  • January---My husband was still deployed.  I gathered more information about my blood disorder.  I attempted meal planning and the Couch to 5K progam (was successful until R&R!).
  • February---My husband was still deployed but came home on R&R!  I joined Pinterest.  I wrote one of my favorite blog posts about not being a typical military wife.  You can find that here.  I turned 22.  Rob turned 22, 3 days later. I got my first tattoo.
  • March---My husband was still deployed.  I celebrated our 2 year anniversary with me in Kansas and him in Kuwait.  Piston also turned 2!
  • April---My husband was still deployed.  This here blog was nominated for a Military Blog Award.  I enjoyed spring break at the lake.
  • May---My husband was still deployed.  I went to several concerts with some of my favorite people.  Celebrated my best friends single-hood.  Congratulated my high school friends for graduating college on time.
  • June---My husband was still deployed.  We announced our move to Georgia.  My best friend got married.  Went to a country music festival with my sister.  I ran my first 5k... actually lets be real, I walked.
  • July---My husband came home!!! I celebrated July 4th with my family.  Our move began with a clean empty apartment.  We left for Georgia.  We got accepted for our gorgeous CURRENT house.
  • August---We got the keys.  We moved in.  I got deployment coming home pictures back.. you can see them here.  I got my second tattoo.  My parents came to visit us.. and were our first (and only so far!) visitors!
  • September---We adopted Klutch.  I started giving a tour of our new little adobe.  The garage was the first stop.
  • October---Rob reenlisted and the decision was mutually made to make a career out of this military thing.  Somewhere Over the Camo joined Facebook!  We celebrated our first Halloween IN A HOUSE... where kids trick or treated.
  • November---Somewhere Over the Camo became it's own domain!  We bought a boat.  We celebrated Thanksgiving in Tampa with Rob's family.
  • December---We got a big ole Christmas tree.  We decorated it.  We went to an amazing country concert.  I wrote my second favorite blog post ever.. about how I'm not perfect.  We celebrated Christmas.. together for the first time as a married couple.  I took an overnight trip to Myrtle Beach with my cousin (just got back today!).  I reached 100 followers!!! A number I never imagined seeing. (Thank you, thank you, thank you blog readers, friends and family!)
And now I'm saying goodbye 2012.. hello 2013.  I can't even begin to imagine what is in store for me and my little family.

Happy New Year's friends!


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  1. You've had quite the year! I hope 2013 will be amazing for you and your family!!!!!!

  2. What a year you've had! Happy New Year! :)
