
Good or bad idea?

Today I went to lunch with my cousin and an interesting idea was brought to my attention, yet again.  I say yet again as this is not the first time I have entertained this idea.  Since I just moved from Kansas to Georgia, I obviously gave up my secretary job... which leaves me to find a new job [starting the hunt after my parents come in a few weeks].  My cousin asked me if I would ever do a home business such as Avon, Scentsy, PartyLite, etc.  The answer is yes I would.  But I'm not sure it's a good idea.  Let's face it almost every military spouse has some kind of home business that they do in an attempt to bring income in to their family without having to leave the house on a schedule they don't control.  But there are some positives:

  • Make your own schedule.
  • Holidays off.
  • Stay at home with the dog.
  • Discount from whatever product.
And some negatives:
  • Don't make money if you don't spread the word.
  • Sometimes hard to spread the word.
  • Because everyone and their mother sells.
So I ask you, the reader, what is your opinion on this?  I am leaning towards Scentsy if I do take the plunge. But I am having a hard time convincing myself that it is actually worth it in the long run.
P.S. If you sell Scentsy, can you e-mail or comment with information regarding how much you make off each sale and what taxes are each year please.


In other news our stuff is here.. we have a demolished desk (thus I am typing this from a dresser that is a smidge to tall to be classified as a desk with a comfortable reach for the keyboard), broken dressers, smashed to a thousand pieces glass lamp.. and all I've unpacked is the kitchen. :)  But the washer and dryer inside of my house, the vacuum and the rest of my clothes is a major plus.

Hoping to finish unpacking this weekend to give a glimpse into our new world.


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  1. My honeat opinion? I think the scentsy market is over-saturated. There are sooo many scentsy mil wives. Maye Arbonne or Avon or Mary Kay would be better ??!!

  2. Not sure why I know this but I've heard of some weird at home jeans exchange thing... Don't know too much about it but I know it was all the rage with a lot of girls I know around last fall. Maybe u could do some research and see exactly what it is. Just a half thought. Good luck! :-)

  3. I think all of those markets are overdone also. It's kitch-y (?) when you first move somewhere, especially if your brand/product isn't yet covered in the new Command - but once you host a party, you're kinda done in your Command. It's not like in the real world, when you stay put for YEARS and have time to grow your brand. You're PCSing before you know it. :/

    My biggest help has been networking with (the good) employment agencies. It's all about people who know people - and drink until something comes up. :)

    And I'd say even start looking now that way your interviewing/phone skills are top-notch for when the parents leave, then you're golden to pursue the paychecks.

  4. Ack - I sound so pushy! Please don't think I'm being overbearing (obviously I'm going to pour myself some wine now - anxious Mr. Wookie will go lay down, lol).

  5. I think it sounds like a good option. However, I have to agree it seems like everyone is selling scentsy these days.
    Sorry to hear about your stuff! That really sucks! I hope you are enjoying your new place with your husband even if all of your stuff didn't make it.

  6. This is soo funny! i was just asking myself this the other day!!! i LOVE scentey! and i don't no anyone around here that sells it and would let me sniff all their samples for hours before i actually chose which ones i want... so i started thinking about maybe going in and starting to sell it! My mom is apart of this corporation thing.. called Market America... check it out, she loves it.. but i do know that there is a certain percentage that you have to spend per month if you don't have people that buy from you. BUT (good point) they have EVERYTHING! like natural supplements, make up jewelry.. everything!Good luck! if you sell scentsy.. i'll be a life long customer ;) lol
