
This weekend taught me...

[[another post brought to you at a very late//very early hour.]]

This weekend was amazing.  Literally the only thing missing was Rob.  But it taught me a thing or two...

...My terribly playful, sometimes obnoxious two year old boxer, who can't seem to refrain from jumping on humans... is the nicest, sweetest, most patient dog when it comes to puppies.  On Friday one of my girlfriends brought over her little bitty puppy and we could not believe how well Piston played with him without hurting him for hours.. even when Winston was attached to his jowl or ears.

They are best friends.

...I am so proud of all of my friends that graduated this year.  While I am a bit jealous that I don't get to join in the festivities, being able to celebrate my friends accomplishments is just as awesome as far as I am concerned.  BUT it does make me realize how far we've come.. and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss high school sometimes.  Seeing pictures from "back in the day" dang near made me cry... is that normal?
We've been friends since high school.  I'd definitely not be who I am without these three.

...If you give me a smidge of alcohol, I dance.  A lot.  And people stare.. bahahah.

...My heart swells with the most pride during country music songs that celebrate America.  This weekend was full of concerts.. good ones too.  Gloriana, Rodney Atkins, Josh Thompson, Sunny Sweeney and like 2 seconds of Gary Allen.  You just can't go wrong with a country song about America, can you?

...The best way to finish off the weekend is to make your tummy hurt from laughing so hard.  I guarantee it.
Just one of the highlights that had me rolling... Megan dancing with a Waffle House employee at like 11 o'clock on a Sunday night.

...Never underestimate the power of 30 minutes.  You can get TONS accomplished.. especially if it happens to be a school deadline you are trying to meet.  Not hinting at anything here.

...A clean car completely changes your driving abilities.

...Getting mail absolutely never gets old.  Especially when it is surprise mail from fabulous bloggers.  Thanks Jenn and Brittany!!! You lifted my Monday up from being just another Monday to a "special" Monday.

...A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes.  Even if husbands disagree.
My summer dress sandal... and y'all will never guess where these beauties are from... Walmart.

...Family and friends are without a doubt some of the most important parts of life.  I am gobbling up every spare bit of time I have to spend with my family and friends right now before my little family is reunited again and our next adventure begins.  And let me tell you.. I am having a blast doing it...
 My parents at the Rodney Atkins concert.
 My wonderful friend Megan, my sister and I at Rodney Atkins.
One of my best friends Allison getting some unwanted cuddle time in with Piston.

I have a new network for y'all to try out too... It's called the Better Blogger Network.  Just another way for us fabulous bloggers to connect on the world wide web.  If you join come find me... HERE and become my friend another way!

Does anyone want to swap "sponsor" buttons to go on my left sidebar?  I have the majority of the blogs I read on the right side featured in the scrolling widget, but if you want to be spotlighted where it does not scroll, just let me know!


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  1. Haha, I need a LOT of alcohol to get dancing. But once I get started it's just pure craziness and laughter. Sounds like a full weekend! I love those.

  2. That concert sounds fun!! Glad you are enjoying your family time. Now go make some fudge! ;)

  3. Yea for time with family and friends!!! I'm jealous of your concerts! I love goin to country concerts!!! They are the best!!! Glad you had a good weekend!!!! :)

  4. Cute pictures!! Looks like lots of fun, you look great!!

  5. Your weekend sounds fabulous! I have the idea that when I come back to the states I need to take a big long road trip and visit all the bloggers I love. It just came to me and Aaron is going to laugh when I tell him but I'm adding it to my "need" list! And you of course!

  6. Piston and Winston??? oooooh my goodness. You just made me cry a little. too cute. and little Winston in the food/water dish ... that's when I cried. love.

  7. omg all the weekend lessons are so fabulous!! ok so that pic of piston and his buddy drinking water is so adorable and made me laugh! second, crying is totally normal! i got teary eyed last night thinking of my sister and her friends graduating! and holy heck that country concert sounded AMAZING!..plus you have a cute outfit and thanks for the shout out! i am glad we could make your monday special!!! :) i love surprises!! and the waffle dance pic---cool!!! those are fun moments!

  8. Love the puppie pics....we've thought about getting a boxer! And I'm totally a sucker for patriotic music as well! Even if I don't like the singer, the song usually gets me everytime!


  9. "The best way to finish off the weekend is to make your tummy hurt from laughing so hard." I concur. Sounds like a good weekend. I'll definitely check out the blogger network.
