
I complain a lot.

Today I am feeling fantastically un-fantastic.  I have this weird quivering stomach ache cramping deal going on and I'm tired and I'm cold and I miss my husband and I feel lonely and I had to work today and I'm considering eating the healthiest meal ever, pizza for dinner tonight, tomorrow and the next two days.  Are you judging yet??

This weekend though... I dressed cute every. single. day.  What?? Yep. You read that right.  Wait.. you say you need proof?  I shall deliver.

The weekend was actually rather chill.. sleeping in everyday [and if you've been around here for long, you know that that is a win win with me no matter what.. oh and I do it frequently.  Parents be jealous.], eating some amazing food [Texas Roadhouse, Cheesecake Factory, Jose Peppers...] with some great company and celebrating this one important lady:
Shoutout!!  Thanks for being awesome at life, and raising me.  I feel I turned out alright, so you must have done a good job.  I know I haven't always been the sweet thoughtful daughter I am now.. so I apologize for my past self.  We survived though.. and now I'm cool, right?  You are seriously someone I admire and look up to every single day.  I hope I make you proud.. p.s. thanks for those great genes I always talk about on this here blog!!

Welcome to the new followers from the blog hop!  I hope I don't scare you away.. I'm pretty blunt though and I tell it how it is.  Oh and have I mentioned I'm a redhead?  I own the attached personality that goes with being a redhead... fiery.

Anywhodude, I'm off to the couch-pizza-cuddling with the fur child-and watching trash TV.  Still judging??


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  1. so cute! Love you, Amanda! Can't believe we met when we were just babes and are still in touch! I love the internet :o) Haha I LOVE how you call Mr. P your fur child. What a great nickname; I may have to steal it! Our dog is definitely as much work as the toddler.

  2. I can't honestly say I dressed cute every day this week... I can say I did it every time I left the house though! I don't believe in dressing up to stay at home :) You're adorable.

  3. That piece of cake? Is seriously as big as your mom's head. Please tell me y'all ate the entire thing. It looks absolutely amazing!! I'm impressed with the weekend outfits! Super cute! I'm still having issues with pants that button, soooo... Yoga pants and tshirts! Huzzah!

    PS. Yes. I'm jealous of your sleeping in. And your pizza diet too if I'm being honest. Would love to come join you. In my yoga pants of course (because pizza isn't gonna help my shorts situation... Lol).

  4. I love your little black dress - so cute!
    I should take a picture of my outfits every day of the week...
    Monday: Sweats. Tuesday: Scrubby T and shorts. Wednesday: Sweats. Thursday: Sweats...I'm sure you get the picture :)
    Great post!

  5. You are adorable. Enjoy that pizza and trash tv!! This parent is definitely jealous of the sleeping in… just so you know! ;-)

  6. Def jealous of the sleeping in, but you still deserve it! I hope today is a better day for you!!! Remember this icky deployment is almost over! keep your chin up! :)
