
Happy MilSpo Appreciation Day!!!

As usual.. I am thankful to be apart of this group.  I know in my last post I ranted about online bullying essentially, but it still does not change how I feel about the women I have met through this blogging experience, through my facebook experience, through this military experience.  I am thankful to be part of such a strong community of women and sometimes men that stand strong on the home front no matter what the military throws their way.

I'll be the first to admit that usually I am not one to toot my own military spouse horn.  In fact most of my friends and family can vouch for the fact that through this whole deployment I have been pretty strong if I say so myself.  Surprising even myself.  I'm ridiculously proud of my country, specifically my husband.  But if it weren't for the blue star flag on my car window and apartment window, you may never know that every night I come home to my wonderful dog and my computer.. where I see my husband in pixels often battling the internet to get a good conversation in.. that is if you don't know me personally.

On this day though I applaud each and every one of us that is going through this military life with our head held high and our heart full of love and support.


If you are new to my blog from the blog hop, welcome!

I'm Amanda.. A fiesty 22 year old redhead residing in Kansas while we finish up a deployment.  Our 2 year old dog and I are holding down the fort in a one bedroom third floor apartment.  Which you may or may not sometimes hear about... (ever tried carrying laundry up to a third floor apt??)  I'm keeping busy with school and work.. and family and friend time.  I'm a Kansas native, so I am lucky to have my family right down the road and my friends dispersed within a one hour radius of me.

My husband and I have been married for 2 years.  We met our senior year of high school but didn't start this "us" journey until after basic training.  We dated long distance for a year and a half, and we got married in the courthouse just a few days after he officially proposed.  After finishing my Associates degree I packed my life into my Toyota Corolla and moved to Maryland.  We spent a year at Ft Meade, where I took some classes, joined some clubs and raised the dog.  Then the hubs was sent overseas to Kuwait and I relocated back to Kansas.  Before too long this deployment will be up though and we will be reunited, ready to start the next chapter.

I can't really say my blog has one specific topic.  I write whatever I like.. sometimes I rant, sometimes I celebrate, sometimes I write just about the day.  I wish I were more crafty, or could cook, or even had children to write about.  But I don't.. so I write about what I know.  Me, myself and I. :)

You can find me on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

And I can't wait to get to know some new friends! :)


P.S. Isn't my husband the sweetest?


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  1. Aw, I love the text that your husband sent. Too sweet.

    My husband is also Air Force and is about to deploy again.

  2. Awww what a sweet text message!! :)

  3. seriously sweetest text EVER... happy to meet you!

  4. your husbands soo sweet! I just moved from Kansas! I was there for 2 years before we PCS'd here to Bragg. I loved it and really miss some HuHot!! If you havent had it get it!

    I'll be reading your blog for now on. Keep on keeping on hunny you can kick this deployments ass!!!

    Love, The Optimistic Army Wife...AKA Liz

  5. Uggh. Sweetest text ever. I need to go remind my husband that its MilSpouse Day.

  6. Your husband had an excellent response in the text! Followed you over on twitter...I do adore twitter.

  7. Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day :)

  8. Happy Military Spouse day! just stopping by from the bloghop. I love your hair and I am insanely jealous ( I had fake red hair once upon a time....I miss it so!) I hope you had a great day!

  9. Hi Amanda!

    I'm visiting from the MilSpouse Blog Hop! Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day to you!

    Like you, I tend to write about whatever pops into my head.. I don't have a specific genre. Or at least, I didn't before I fell off the blog train last year. I'm slowly, but surely, working my way back and I look forward to learing more about you!

    It is nice to meet you!

  10. sweetest text evah!! :) People wouldn't know I was a milspouse really either, i don't live on base and not too many people know or understand what it's like for me to have a husband deployed, that's why i'm so grateful for the milspouse blogging community, it's brought great support to me! Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day!


  11. You have the sweetest husband ever! How cute! Just had to stop by and say hello :) and Happy Military Spouse Appreciation day!

  12. Happy (late) Milspouse day!
    Hope the rest of the dep goes quickly for you!!

  13. Hi! I'm stopping over from the blog hop. I had a second floor apartment to carry laundry up to and that was bad enough. I feel for you with three. I hope the rest of the deployment goes as quick as possible and I'm glad you've got your friends and family close by.

  14. I know that this is a few days late...but I live in Kansas too! We are stationed at Ft. Leavenworth!! I hope that your deployment ends soon! And your husband is really sweet to you!

  15. Hi! I am a little late from the BlogHop. It was nice to meet you! Happy belated military spouse appreciation day! Amanda
