
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving all!!

I love this holiday!  A time to be thankful and a time to appreciate all that you have.  All the while enjoying good company and good food.  I am currently doing just that in the middle of nowhere Kansas... I hope you are doing that too (maybe minus the middle of nowhere part).

This year I am thankful for many things.  Including--

My husband.  Even though he is wayyy too far away from me this holiday, he still reminds me everyday that I have a ton of things to be thankful for.  I am thankful that I picked him up from the airport in December of 2008, I am thankful we got married in March of 2010 and I am thankful for the year we got to live together in Maryland.  I am thankful we have decided to take on this crazy journey of life together, by each other's side for the rest of time.  I am thankful to be blessed with a man that is not afraid to put his country before himself and I am thankful for each day that I get to be with him..

My family.  I haven't been the easiest on my family in the past year, but they have stood by me none the less.  I am thankful that they were able to look past certain things and open their arms to both Rob and I.  I am thankful my parents raised my sister and I the way that they did with so much love in one household.  I am thankful to be a Ritter by blood and to know that I always have their support no matter where life takes me.  I am also thankful for my in-laws.  When I married Rob I got a whole other family to call my own.  They've accepted me and welcomed me as one of their own and I couldn't be more appreciative.

My dog.  Where would I be without him?  Piston is keeping me sane (well sometimes when I am talking to him I find myself thinking I am insane.. better than talking to myself I guess.) and laughing with his crazy antics.  He is also keeping me on my toes, but I am so thankful to have his furry warm body while Rob is away from us.  I am thankful to have someone excited to see me when I come home from a long day of work.  And I am most definitely thankful that he knows when I just need some loving.

My friends.  Over the years many people have drifted in and out of my life.  There are a select few that know me better than I know myself.  They've been there for me when I've needed them the most and haven't passed one ounce of judgement.  I am so thankful to have these people in my life.  They don't mind a text message full of crazy rambles or a last minute invitation to go to dinner.  They just accept me as me.

My job and good fortune.  I am thankful to be able to go to work during the week and bring a paycheck home every couple of weeks.  It provides me with many luxuries that not many others can afford during this economy.  I am thankful to be 21.. married.. going to school still.. but enjoying life how I want to.

And you know how the rest of them go... the roof over my head, food, my health, etc.

I hope you all have a fabulous day full of scrumptious meals and tons of laughter with your nearest and dearest.

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  1. I love your blog! :) I am a new follower of your blog! :) Erin

  2. yay! I love this post and this blog! I will definitely be following in a matter of seconds :o)
