
A Christmas Survey.

This is how I looked today...

I had time to not only wash my face, brush my teeth, put some make up on, apply deodorant, put my contacts in and get dressed... but to ALSO straighten my hair, perfect this outfit and talk myself into rocking it all day.  Totally out of the norm.

In other news...

Maybe my not-ready-for-Christmas feelings towards Christmas music, shopping, decorating, etc will vanish once I complete this survey...

Found this fun Christmas survey over at The Adventures of M-Squared.

Egg nog or hot chocolate? Oh hot chocolateeeee. [[In my head I just said that as choc-oh-lattè]]  Love it, but hate the burnt mouth I get 99.75% of the time.

Colored lights on tree/house or white? I've always liked white lights.  My family has always done crazy amounts of colored lights.  This year I plan to intertwine the two... majority white lights with a red/white pattern on my balcony railing.  Candy cane anyone?

Do you hang mistletoe? Noooope.  Nobody to kiss under it this year. =/

When do you put your decorations up?
Usually the week/weekend after Thanksgiving.  Normally we are out of town for Thanksgiving [[like this year]], but I plan on getting them all out and up this weekend.

What is your favorite holiday dish?
Green bean casserole!  Rolls!  Ham!

Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Oh geez, so many.  My parents truly made Christmas special for us every year.  From the adventurous trips to find the perfect tree, to opening presents on Christmas Eve after mass and dinner, to the pajamas that are without fail under the tree to wear to bed that night hand picked by my Dad, to Santa presents along the fireplace Christmas morning, and everything in between.

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
You'd have to ask my parents that one.  I can't say I recall.  Santa presents always arrived in the same wrapping paper and handwriting that my Mom used though.  ;) My parents still do Santa presents to this day though.

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We open all of our gifts on Christmas Eve.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Well last year was the first year I had my own tree.  We decorated with the stuff the USO gave us for free.  Unfortunately our tree came down before Christmas even because the dog was a bit too curious and driving us both insane.  This year I am just going to do a small tree and add some yellow bows to it.  It will be up through February so I am going to try and keep it neutral.

Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it IF I can have the day off to do nothing but be cozy on my couch with the dog.  Dread it if I have to go out in it.  It definitely doesn't feel right to not have snow though.

Do you remember your favorite gift? I can't say I have a favorite.  Each year my parents generally tried to get us what we wanted/needed.  Example, this year I am asking for a safe box of some kind for our important junk.  I can say one of my favorite "gifts" was my parents making Christmas as special as they could every single year.  And even though the trip up was always dreaded, one of my favorite gifts was them bringing Grandpa home to stay with us for a week every Christmas.

What is your favorite holiday dessert? I can't say I have one.  Mom  usually sets out some Hershey kisses or M&M's and I generally like those more than pie.  I do like cookies though.

What is your favorite holiday tradition?
The pajamas Dad gets us every year.  Generally Mom, Erin and I go to bed matching.  And I know it's something my Dad enjoys doing for us.

Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
I have like one a year.  I don't really have an opinion about them.  Not my favorite, but I don't hate them either!

Favorite Christmas movie? I'm not really a movie person, much less a Christmas movie person.

Saddest Christmas Song?
Christmas Shoes.  Gets me every year.

What is your favorite Christmas song?
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Our 2010 Christmas picture.


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  1. I always put white lights on our tree (love that soft, sweet glow!), but absolutely LOVE the old-timey chunky color bulbs for the outside of our house. I'm getting antsy over here because Steve is out in the field for something like HALF of the month of December and he has banned this pregnant lady from hopping a ladder and doing it myself... I NEED THE LIGHTS. :)

    I love reading your surveys! :)

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