
You better get your shit together.  Now.

One downside to relying on the military for almost everything is when the parties don't agree... your lifeline is put on temporary hold.  (Or threatened at least.)  I kind of feel like we are sitting on pins and needles waiting for Friday to come.  Hoping, praying that something happens so that military pay does not get cut off.  If it does it will more than likely only be temporary, but it's hard.  Especially when two people and a dog are being supported off that paycheck that would go missing.

But as Rob has pointed out, we have to live our life like that check will be in the account on the 15th.  We can't sit around thinking that it isn't going to be there and cancel our plans for the Orioles baseball game (on Friday) and DC United soccer game (on Saturday).  One plus to the military is we do get discounted tickets for sporting events and we are taking advantage of that while we have so much time to spend together now.  But this month and next are for sure filling up with tons of busy activities.  Next week the tickets will be bought for my trip home next month.  Apartment shopping, Lindsay and Brian's wedding activities and spending quality time with my family.  Then before I know it, time to move home!  Oh and just incase you were wondering, no tickets will be purchased for a trip home on a Southwest airplane.  ;D

I love the feeling we had in this house the other day.  Every single window was open as far as it would go.  The house warmed up to 84 degrees with a cool wind every once in awhile.  Of course we eventually had to turn the A/C on for a bit at least to cool the house off enough for a comfortable night's sleep.  First A/C turn on of the season.  Impressive.  Wish spring would come a bit more regularly.  Late last night and most of today it was rainy and now we are back to cool temps and tons and tons of wind.

Alright yall, Rob is grumping it up because I'd like to stay awake and he'd like to go to bed.  It happens.  Ha ha, better head offline to read or something next to him in bed at least to make him happy.  LOL.  Hope April is treating you guys well as it is us at this point.

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