Rocked my world. Days like that are never wanted or expected...
Everything started off good. Rob came home in the afternoon, and I thought the day would be good. I mean yes, I was frustrated with stupid Maryland drivers.. but hey, I ALWAYS am. Then the bombshell came. Luckily I was with my friends... (Rob was at home with the dog.) I got a text from my cousin.. "I'm assuming your dad has contacted you." So I went outside and called my Mom. At the time all they knew was my Grandpa had been moved from the nursing home side to the hospital side and the nurses and doctors knew he was shutting down. Nobody knew if it would be hours, days or weeks. Then Shelley texted me again.. "He died." Her Dad had called her.. Looking back now, I am so thankful that my friends were with me because they let me cry on their shoulder and then sit with them before heading home to Rob. Rob and Piston gave me hugs and kisses, but last night was rough. I didn't even sleep well last night! I was up like every 2 hours.
Today, Thursday is hard for me. Two weeks ago today I was sitting in his nursing home room with him and Dad. Trying to figure out what if anything could be said. He looked fragile. Nothing like the Grandpa I always remembered growing up. But I figured I would possibly get to see him again before he passed away. Both my Grandpas have not been doing too hot as of late and honestly I wasn't sure which one would go first. The call yesterday though, COMPLETELY caught me off guard.
Now here I am.. trying to get all my laundry done so I can pack up again and head back to Kansas... a week and three days after I got home from there. The majority of my time will be spent in Western Kansas with the rest of my family. We need each other right now, but the reunion for this purpose is always the hardest.
I feel like God knew what he was doing... HE brought me home from vacation, then Rob home from airborne school. Something that shouldn't have been happening for several more weeks. Only then did HE let my Grandpa go to heaven for his reunion with Grandma. Now I don't have to worry about Piston, getting to the airport.. anything. It's rough though. This month is not anything like I wanted. But usually it never is..
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