1:52 in the AM.

And I am sitting in the newly rearranged office/guest bedroom.  I LOVE IT.  For anyone that knew me before I got the daybed (the one that is hopefully, maybe, currently still in the bedroom I lived in for 9 years.) they knew that I spent many nights up late rearranging my bedroom.  Why? No reason.  Just a passion.  It's funny how simply rearranging the furniture and putting objects in a different place brings out so much optimism and a real change.  When I moved to Shawnee from Overland Park in 2001 I started this habit of every couple of weeks (or multiple times a week) rearranging or reorganizing my bedroom.  My furniture was so light and I could move it by myself.  My parents were always shocked at how often I changed it and I may have gotten in trouble a few times for being up so late doing it.  But I THRIVED off of it.  (I get that passion for changing things up from my Grandma Ritter I do believe... every time we used to go to the farmhouse she would have rearranged upstairs or repainted.  It was a habit of hers I remember well.. and miss greatly.)  Then I got the daybed and I kind of stopped doing it so much.  (That daybed is a HEAVY sucker and it only fit on one wall cause of the window, closet door and bedroom door.)  Don't get me wrong I still spent many hours rearranging the closet and the rest of the furniture, but the big bedroom overhauls kind of stopped.  Well when I found out my cousin Jessica (Mom's side... Her niece's daughter, who is my age actually.) was coming to stay with Rob and I next Thursday for a night.  I decided to clean the spare, and rearrange it.  (Something I planned on doing before Lindsay and Brian got here in a few weeks anyway.)  I started at like 9 ish.. and finished at about 1.  While my furniture here is not near as light as the furniture I first started rearranging... I got it all done. By myself.  Ikea furniture is not light though.  Let me tell youuuu. :)  P.S. I think I know the reason I found the energy to do this... On Thursday I started taking green tea again.  These amazing little caffeine pills give me the extra boost to get EVERYTHING done that I am thinking or have been thinking of doing.  Plus it speeds up my metabolism which helps with weight loss.

Needless to say I'm on a good roll.... especially after deep cleaning the kitchen on Thursday.  I'm talking going through the food cabinets and rearranging and throwing out good and bad food.  Next on my agenda.. OUR ROOM. We got to clean the carpets reallll good though first before I see that being something we can do.  But I have that room all figured out as well.  May need Rob's help though this time moving the queen sized bed.  (Our spare room has the exact same Ikea bed frame but it is a full.)

What else has been crack-a -lacking lately?  I visited the White House.  Glad to say I have been there.  But feel like I didn't miss out on much.  Unfortunately... Survived riding the Metro.  (The train into and out of DC. I'm not scared of it, but have had the horror stories on the news and it never sits well with me.)  Played bingo with Rachel (my sister from Georgia.. we really do tell people we are sisters.).  Won a round of bingo.  With like five other people.  Didn't win THAT basket.  Won another basket.  Basket was full of TONS of goodies.  Seemed to have a college theme to it.  Several t-shirts, coffee mugs, school supplies, etc.  Attended an Avon Holiday party.  Shopped at Hobby Lobby... (have you been there lately?  If not.. please go.) and you know how the rest of my day pretty much went down. :D

Ok, I should probably go try and get Rob to move off the couch and upstairs to the bed.  He doesn't like his sleep being interrupted (who does?) so he tends to get a wee-bit grumpy.  Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.  Halloween is next weekend... how exciting.  But scary.  THIS YEAR HAS GONE SOOOO FAST. :(

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