34//36 weeks//Baby B

What Fruit are you // a cantaloupe melon // as long as a romaine lettuce
Due date // March 28th
How far along // 34 weeks // 36 weeks
Next appointment // March 3rd, my 36 week appointment--3 appointments to go! // tomorrow
Gender // it's a girl!
Total weight gain/loss // hovering around 30 pounds.  Still more than I weighed with Gray, but ya know... I'm okay with that.  I could blame it on the PCS and the holidays, but I don't care.  Don't need to place blame anywhere.  I am pregnant.
Swelling // none. // my feet.. just once after being on them most of the day.
Maternity clothes // sweat pants and t-shirts.
Belly button // in
Sleep // still not the best because my hips are KILLING me.  But I get enough to get by I guess. // not so hot.  Especially when she wakes me up at like 2:15 in the morning doing God knows what in my belly.  Never been woken up by movement.. and hope to never be woken up by movement again...
Food cravings // sweets. // bread.
Symptoms // heartburn late at night before bed.  Passed another round of GD numbers with my OBGYN.  I will test the week before my next appointment to make sure things are still going smoothly.  Otherwise just typical aches and pains. // tons of pain low.  Just pain in general.
Movement // painful jabs and rolls.  She's active and has officially found her way into my rib with a foot.  Making sitting during the day for any amount of time a giant pain in the side.  // I feel every little movement as I'm pretty sure she is out of space.
Labor signs // as crazy as it is since this is my second, I still don't know what symptoms to look for.  I had a sharp pain in upper belly that lasted briefly last week... which I am about 90% sure was a contraction.  Hoping I will know when it happens since I was so drugged up with Gray during her induction.  Otherwise... it will appear our sweet girl has started to move into position.  I've had full days where I've had sharp and achey pains down low and according to my doctor it is her head in position.  Which hurts... like hell and makes getting anything done next to impossible. // fairly used to the low pains now... they happen anytime I am up and walking around for any amount of time.  I just don't have the support after already having a baby to keep the pains away.
What I miss // my energy and being able to move freely without a big ole belly in my way. // sleep!!!
What I'm loving // how our maternity pictures turned out and how some days Grace just knows mama needs a day off to just sit and not be productive.  She is pretty good at reading my signs, and also pushing my buttons. // that I have officially entered the nesting phase and dang it things are getting done!!! FINALLY!
What I'm looking forward to // things getting done.  My to-do list seems to be growing instead of shrinking which makes my excitement for the baby not as high as it should be.  I have so much to do before she is clear to come--but no energy to do it. // my appointment tomorrow.
Best moment this week // Valentine's Day was pretty good. xo // washing the baby clothing and checking things off my lists.

To read about Grace at 34 weeks, click here.  
To read about Grace at 36 weeks, click here.

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  1. You are getting so close!!! :) Still looking great!

  2. I crave sweets and bread daily. There is no excuse for this except #pig.

    You look amazing!

  3. You look gorgeous, and that color is amazing on you!
