
Happy Birthday Grace!

My sweet girl turned one yesterday.  As in it has been 365 (well 366 technically) days since we welcomed her into the world at 1:14 in the morning.

She went from a little bitty 8 lb, 5 oz baby to a crawling, standing, into everything toddler, with the most amazing personality.

I've tried and failed to type out what it means to be this girls momma, but I can't.  I can't put into words how blessed I am to be a mom, let alone Grace's mom.  Being a mom has been both my greatest joy and greatest learning obstacle.  Lucky for me, I've got a happy baby with the ability to turn an awful day just a little bit better with a simple smile.

We celebrated yesterday with a party here in Georgia - more on that later.. I can't begin to describe the fun that was!

This momma is wiped and overwhelmed with the "I-have-a-one-year-old" emotions.  Hence the day late and a dollar short post.  How can 365 days pass so quickly?

Happy birthday Grace Elaine!  You make your father and I so proud.  Thank you for being the spunky ray of sunshine you've come to be.  I can't wait to see what your future holds.. but for now?  I'm snuggling you tight because it is just not possible you are already a one year old...

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  1. Her and Maddie weighed the same at birth!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRACE!!! Love her cake smash photo. haha

  2. Yeah, how do you have a one year old? That can't be possible. Hope she had a great birthday!

  3. Awww. Happy birthday to your little girl!

  4. Happy Birthday, Grace!!! :) She is such a cutie.

  5. Stumbled upon your blog...happy birthday to your dear girl! And congrats on surviving the first year! I remember when my son turned one (five months ago) I could hardly believe that we'd made it through the first year so quickly! Time flies!

  6. Happy Birthday Grace! Wow! A whole year already?!?! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? She is just too dang cute!
