
Two thousand thirteen.. my goals for you.

Last year I wrote about how I wasn't going to record any resolutions per say.  Instead I simply stated "at the end of the day.. as long as I am alive and well.. 2012 will be a success".  With that I can consider 2012 a success.

This year though... this year I want to accomplish a few things.  I want to record them here and look back in 2014 and see if I came through on anything.  So here goes... My "resolutions" for 2013:

  1. Move my booty.  As in... dance, Zumba, kick box, walk the dogs, walk-walk or something.  With that I want to finish the Couch to 5K program.  Last year I was just a few weeks short of completing it.. and then Rob came home on R and R and I lost the whole routine of getting out and doing it.  It's not that I really want to lose weight, although that is a huge plus, more I want to be able to say I stuck with that at the end of 2013.
  2. Land a job.  The past six months have consisted of a lot of watching TV, house cleaning, dog rounding up and waiting for Rob to get home.  I'm kind of sort of really over it.  I want to contribute.  I want to be productive.  I want to leave the house every so often.. haha.  Not asking a lot I do believe.
  3. Graduate.  Should be an easy peasy one as long as I keep up.  This last session was another session of all A's and a 4.0.  My goal is to graduate with honors.. and I am 4 sessions away from doing just that.
  4. Practice patience, laugh a little more and make it through alive and well.

What are your 2013 goals and resolutions?!


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  1. You've got some great resolutions! Congratulation on getting a 4.0! I know that's no easy thing to accomplish. Good luck in completing your degree this year and your 5k!

    - Janna


  2. I think that those are good goals. Nothing to big that you can't handle. Mine our a little on the big side but oh well.

    Happy New Year,

  3. Hey! Found you through Wednesday Walkabout :)
    I did the C25K last year and loved it! I'm excited for you to start it up again! Good luck with the job hunt, I'm feeling burnt out on my job but we move in a few months so I've got to stick it out.
    Happy New Year to you, sounds like it's gonna be a good one!

  4. Those are great goals!!!!! I think those are easily do-able :) good luck!

  5. I got to the end of Week 6 on c25k and then.... December happened. Womp womp. So I just restarted it up again. Luckily, I am still in some sort of shape, because none of the runs have left me wanting to die yet! I will say though, that registering for my first 5k in 2 months has lit a whole other kind of fire under my butt, that's for sure. ;) Happy 2013 Amanda!!

  6. Those are all great resolutions! I've looked in to the couch to 5k, but have never started it. I should try it!

  7. I have a goal to get a job this year, too. Though I don't believe I'm quite as happy about it as you are. But it must be done!
